Thursday, June 12, 2014

The Beach

My photo taken June 11th 2014
It was lovely to see that Donkey rides are still part of the seaside experience for children. I loved donkey rides as a child and would look out for a particular donkey and wait for her to be free so that I could have my ride. I can still recall her name 'Molly' a love white faced donkey similar in looks to this one
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No, all donkey's do not look alike they are all different and all have their own personality. There has always been something about donkey's that I have loved. It is lovely to see them giving children rides and to see how well cared for they all are.
I took this from the grassy dune

From the beach looking out to see you will find the wind farm some hate them others like them. Personally I think they look graceful and we do need a clean energy source for the future.
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The beach goes on for miles
I took this photo from the Pier
 I took this photo to show the beach as tide goes out
Long and flat you can enjoy a leisurely walk paddle in the sea

Here you can see the  amusemnets. 
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This is North end of the beach

The pier is still in use and offers fun and games but we prefered to sit outside on the pier and enjoy the veiw.

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This is the entance to the pier from the front.

This is the pier behind the amusments and offers lovely views

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I took this close up of the decor
The old Victorian Ironwork is still there and the craftmenship is beautiful.

This is just by the Donkey rides ( my photo)
You are never far from a place to get food and take it onto the beach to enjoy.

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